Silvera, Sensei is the Dojo's Hombu Cho (Headquarters Director) and Chief Instructor in Karate of the International Budo Ryokukai in Michigan. A direct student of Katzumi Niikura, Sensei; 8th Dan in Karate & 5th Dan in Aikido, founder of the International Budo Ryokukai.

He started training in variety of Martial Arts; such as Iaido, Aikido, Taekwondo, Judo, Krav Maga, Tai chi, Kickboxing, Kung fu and others. His martial arts training started in Lima-Peru, back in 1984. Currently holds 5th Dan in Shotokan Karate, Black Belt Dan in Iaido, and in Tae Kwon Do. Sensei Silvera offers insights into the relationships between various martial arts and the effective training methods found in those arts. He is also a member in good-standing of the USA Karate-do Federation, the Shinshin Ryu Iajutsu and the International Budo Ryokukai.

He has been fortunate enough to train with Sensei Victor Torres, Sensei Hector E. Lizano Palomino (6 DAN - WKF) Peruvian-Junior Kata Coach and Mirian Lizano (International Seitokan), Sensei Kiei Gibo (World Champion Master - WUKO 2007), Sensei Yasu Tanaka and Sensei Katsumi Niikura (International Budo Ryokukai), Sensei Tony Valvona (4th Dan), Sensei Nick Palise(6th Dan, JKA Michigan), and Morris Lawrence III, (6th Dan, JKA Michigan) in Karate.

Sensei Silvera has attended seminars held by world renown Martial Arts Instructors like: Sensei Masao Kagawa (8th Dan, World Chief Instructor Japan Karate Shotorenmei), Sensei Azuma Takashi (Daido Juku, Founder), Sensei Akio Tamashiro, Sensei Bill "Superfoot" Wallace, Sensei Falah Kanani (6th Dan JKA San Diego), Vince Morris 8th Dan Kissaki-Kai, Sensei Scott Langley 6th Dan, Sensei Takeshi Kitagawa Sensei 6th Dan JKS, Sensei Ali Hamie - 8th Degree Black Belt WKF/JKAand other good instructors.

One of his latest awards was a Japan Karate Shoto Federation Pan American 2010 Kata Champion (Gold Medal) and Kumite Champion (Silver Medal).

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